What has been the primary focus/project this term?
The Women's Project Group is committed to educating and spreading awareness concerning menstruation and menstrual hygiene, with the intent to make discourse surrounding menstruation a much more comfortable topic. Additionally, they focused on reaching out to local doctors that offer a more comfortable and knowledgeable space for the women to ask questions regarding their health. The group is prioritizing providing more sustainable menstrual hygiene products for the women with a partnership with PINKISHE, and ultimately ensuring an establishment of trust with the women in the village.
Additionally the team is also expanding to empower the women of the village in becoming financially independence through various means of financial educational and work opportunities. These efforts are to be expanded by establishing a partnership with the local Self Help Groups in the village to find and distribute resources and opportunities for the women. Collaborating with the Rainwater Harvesting Team to support women in agriculture is also another goal for the team for this year!
What has the project group accomplished or worked on in past terms?
Menstrual &Telehealth Workshop and Career Panel (India Trip 2024)
We collaborated with PINKISHE to train teachers as Certified Menstrual Health Educators, organized a career panel at a secondary school, and partnered with Tele-Upchaar to host a telehealth event to improve access to women's health resources.
Gynecologist Telehealth Program (Fall/Spring2023)
Piloted a telehealth program at the Public Health Center by partnering with TeleUpchaar. They provided a gynecologist for remote consultation to women in the village.
We also collaborated with the local doctor and a health worker to coordinate telehealth day.
Menstruation Health and Hygiene Workshop (India Trip 2022)
We collaborated with PINKISHE and distributed 1000 reusable pads to the women in the village.
Acquired a female gynecologist who presented to 200 women and young girls in the village about the importance of menstrual health and hygiene.
COVID Mask Distribution (Fall/Spring 2020)
Women’s Financial Empowerment Camp (Fall/Spring 2018)
Hosted a Women's Financial Empowerment Camp for the village teaching the importance of financial independence and presenting possible opportunities.
Basket weaving sessions with Mahila Mandal group with the hope of the village women selling their products
Women’s Health Camp (Fall/Spring 2017)
Building connections and Intro to Finance (Fall/Spring 2016)
Became acquainted with the Women Sewing group in the village
Presented and provided a Introductory Financial Literacy Packet
Building connections and Workshops (Fall/Spring 2015)
Became acquainted with Mahila Mandal group
Assisted village women with finding sustainable markets in USA

What is the group hoping to work on in future terms?
Telehealth Project: troubleshooting a solution that enables low-bandwidth communication between people in Bharog and medical professionals. Barrier to accessing the Public Health Center for villagers residing farther away.
Menstrual hygiene & sexual wellness education initiatives: correcting misinformation.
Financial Empowerment Workshops: through the support of the Self Help Groups to educate and inform the women of different opportunities present to acquire earning opportunities.
Pad-Manufacturing Entrepreneurship Program: enabling women with a long-term working opportunity to create environment-friendly and sustainable reusable pad.